URL Forwarding     7-Day Free Trial Available

What is URL/Web Forwarding?

Automatically direct your domain's visitors to another Existing Web Site

URL Forwarding allows you to point your domain or subdomain name to an existing web site no matter where it is on the Internet. When any internet user enter your domain/subdomain name on browser address bar, he/she will be redirected to the web site of your choice. You can also turn on domain cloaking and your domain name will be preserved in the browser's location bar and no one will see the real web site address. This feature is great if you are using a free hosting service like Geocities.com, Tripod.com or your free web space on AOL. Or you will have to use this service if you ISP blocks http port 80 and you still want to host your own site at your home machine.

URL Forwarding Service Highlights

  Support forwarding from both http and https names.
  Free Wild Card SSL to forward your https domain.
  Unlimited hosts (subdomains), unlimited targets.
  Cloaking option to hide out real web site address.
  Customized Meta Tags for your URL to assist searching engines.
  Forwarding to both https and http are supported.
  The only solution to host your own web site with www port 80 blocked.
  Free for domains registered through us.

What is domain cloaking?

Cloaking is the technology to hide the the real URL address of the web site by displaying the your domain name on the address section of the browser. While users enter your domain address on a browser, they actually have been seamlessly re-directed to another web address of your choice.

How do I get start?

If you don't have an account with us, you may want to click above link to sign up an account first. Login to your member account, click on Add Services and choose add URL Forwarding service to a domain. You will be brought to the page to setup DNS records for a domain. Enter the domain name and then at the Web/URL Forwarding section of the DNS Setup Page, you will enter something like:

http[s]://www.yourdomain.com (to go around port 80 blocking) http[s]://w2.yourdomain.com:8000
http[s]://geociteis.yourdomain.com (forward to another site) http[s]://geocities.yahoo.com/yourname

Check the cloaking option if you want to make the URL stay on the browser address field.

Note: Your domain needs to use our name servers to make web forwarding work.
